Wednesday 17 October 2012

The Age of Dress

What i'm trying to tell here is about the history or the existence of wedding dress. Actually most english women start pakai dress sejak berkurun lama dah. Basically english women pakai dress sebagai pakaian harian mereka. Just like Malay women yang pakai baju kurung sebagai pakaian harian with kain batik. Because of dress is kind of pakaian harian for english women, they improvised the dress and make it as wedding dress which is to be wear during their wedding ceremony.Kat sini,I would love to share apa sebenarnya yang dikatakan wedding dress and dari mana asalnya kewujudan wedding dress.
 First of all,apa yang dikatakan wedding dress? A wedding dress or wedding gown is the clothing  worn by a bride  during a weddingceremony. Color, style and ceremonial importance of the gown can depend on the religion and culture of the wedding participants.The first recorded wedding gown was in 1406 worn by Princess Philippa , daughter of Henry IV, Eric of Denmark.  For the Royals and wealthy of that time, wedding dresses were made of expensive velvets, silk, fur, gold and silver thread, gems and more.  Dress colors varied from red to purple to even black. In Western cultures, brides often choose a white wedding  dress, which was made popular by Queen Victoria in the 19th century. In eastern cultures, brides often choose red to symbolize auspiciousness. 
So this how and since when a wedding dress was existed.

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