Friday 19 October 2012

Adorable Diana

Dalam banyak-banyak queen, i am very sure that most people love Lady Diana. She is damn pretty, adorable,devoted and she's just perfect. Today, i would like to talk about Lady Diana's wedding dress. First, i want to start with her wedding dress.
Here is some story or information behind this beautiful wedding dress. "The wedding dress of Lady Diana Spencer was worn by Lady Diana Spencer at her wedding to Charles, Prince of Wales, on 29 July 1981 at St Paul's Cathedral. Diana wore an ivory silk taffeta and antique lace gown, with a 25-foot (7.62 m) train, valued then at £9000.It became one of the most famous dresses in the world, and was considered one of the most closely guarded secrets in fashion history.How cool is that? :o The dress was designed by David and Elizabeth Emanuel and was described as a dress that "had to be something that was going to go down in history, but also something that Diana loved", and one which would be "suitably dramatic in order to make an impression".Diana Spencer had personally selected the designers to make her wedding dress as she had been fond of a chiffon blouse which they designed for her formal photo session with Lord Snowdon." "The woven silk taffeta was made by Stephen Walters of Suffolk.In the making of the dress, the Emanuels consulted Maureen Baker, who had made the wedding dress of Princess Anne.One observer wrote of the dress, "the dress was a crinoline, a symbol of sexuality and grandiosity, a meringue embroidered with pearls and sequins, its bodice frilled with lace". The traditional Carrickmacross lace-making technique used on the wedding dress was later used on the wedding dress of Kate Middleton in her marriage to Prince William, Diana's eldest son.It was also decorated with hand embroidery, sequins, and 10,000 pearls. The making of the dress posed difficulties, given that Diana had developed bulimia and had dropped from a size 14 to a size 10 in the run-up to the wedding; even the seamstress was concerned about her weight loss and that the dress would not fit as it should.Due to the length of the train, Diana's father found it difficult to fit inside the glass coach to accompany his daughter to the cathedral." Btw, i take those information from this one blog. It is so great to be a princess kan? I love her wedding dress so much. Sumpah cantik, classic and nampak sangat suci with the colour of the dress itself. Sangat sesuai dengan sifat-sifat kewanitaan Lady Diana yang veru humble. How i wish i can be like her =.= *dreaming...

Thursday 18 October 2012

Modern Wedding Dress

If before this I've talked about english classic dress, today I would to share about modern wedding dress pulak. 

After few years, we can see the improvement or improvise of english classic wedding dress kepada modern wedding dress. Bezanya kat sini ialah masyarakat sekarang tak jadikan dress kembang-kembang tu sebagai pakaian harian mereka but mereka gunakan dress tu untuk acara rasmi seperti kahwin. Kalau dulu dress perempuan-perempuan Inggeris ni warna-warni,untuk wedding dress zaman sekarang plak they tend to use white, cream or off white sebagai warna wedding dress mereka. Its still beautiful and kekalkan tradisi mereka. Instead, yang jauh lagi cantik and creative pun ada jugak tapi mana boleh lawan keaslian dress dulu-dulu yang jauh lebih rumit pembuatannya. Masyarakat Melayu sekarang pun ada sesetengahnya memilih english dress sebagai pakaian sanding mereka but for me,sejauh mana cantiknya english wedding dress tu, cantik lagi pakaian traditional masyarakat Melayu kita. Daripada kita sibuk martabatkan tradisi masyakat lain, baiklah kita tinggikan martabat masyarakat Melayu kita sendiri..

Wednesday 17 October 2012

The Complete Costume History

Here i want to share about this one old book which I think quite interesting. I'd read this book a long time ago when i was in secondary school. i found this book at the library near by my house. im interested with the cover page at first and bila tengok kat dalam ada banyak pictures of dresses then i borrowed it. To those who love english classic dress like me, u guys seriously should read this book. Trust me, you won't regret! :D

Here is some information about this awesome book. Actually this book is originally published in France between 1876 and 1888 by Auguste Racinet’s “Le Costume historique” was the most wide-ranging and intelligent study of clothing ever published.  He covering the world history of costume, dress, and style from antiquity through the end of the 19th century, the great work“consolidated” in 1888 into 6 volumes containing nearly 500 plates remains, to this day, completely unique in its scope and detail. Racinet’s organization by culture and subject has been preserved in “TASCHEN’s” magnificent and complete reprint, as have excerpts from his delightful descriptions and often witty comments. Perusing these beautifully detailed and exquisitely coloured illustrations, you’ll discover everything from the garb of ancient Etruscans to traditional Eskimo attire to 19th century French women’s couture. Though Racinet’s study spans the globe from ancient times through his own, his focus is on European clothing from the Middle Ages to the 1880s and this subject is treated with exceeding passion and attention to detail. “The Complete Costume History” is an absolutely invaluable reference for students, designers, artists, illustrators, and historians; it is also an immensely fascinating and inspirational book for anyone with an interest in clothing and style.

Back to Basic

I don't know why but i just love everything about english. Not to say that I dont like Malay but i love english classic concept. starting from their house, their clothes, hairstyle and everything. I didn't like english modern because for me mereka dah tersasar jauh dari asal usul mereka. Even my mom love english classic too. I can see it through they way she design and decorate our house with english classic concept. Oh yea the the picture below is the picture of four english women wearing english classic dress. it is so classy and awesome.From top to bottom,their shoes, their hair, their hat, their glove.. 

There's one thing that makes me wonder, dalam zaman or era beberapa ratus tahun dahulu where there's no technology yang canggih, there's no sewing machine, macam mana mereka boleh hasilkan dress yang rumit dan sebegini cantik. They are so creative and dress yang mereka pakai semuanya cantik-cantik. Dress seperti ini dipakai dari golongan miskin, sederhana dan kaya raya. Cuma bezanya adalah dari segi textile dan design dress itu sendiri. Till now, i still impress and eager to know macam mana cara mereka menghasilkan dress cantik ini.

The Age of Dress

What i'm trying to tell here is about the history or the existence of wedding dress. Actually most english women start pakai dress sejak berkurun lama dah. Basically english women pakai dress sebagai pakaian harian mereka. Just like Malay women yang pakai baju kurung sebagai pakaian harian with kain batik. Because of dress is kind of pakaian harian for english women, they improvised the dress and make it as wedding dress which is to be wear during their wedding ceremony.Kat sini,I would love to share apa sebenarnya yang dikatakan wedding dress and dari mana asalnya kewujudan wedding dress.
 First of all,apa yang dikatakan wedding dress? A wedding dress or wedding gown is the clothing  worn by a bride  during a weddingceremony. Color, style and ceremonial importance of the gown can depend on the religion and culture of the wedding participants.The first recorded wedding gown was in 1406 worn by Princess Philippa , daughter of Henry IV, Eric of Denmark.  For the Royals and wealthy of that time, wedding dresses were made of expensive velvets, silk, fur, gold and silver thread, gems and more.  Dress colors varied from red to purple to even black. In Western cultures, brides often choose a white wedding  dress, which was made popular by Queen Victoria in the 19th century. In eastern cultures, brides often choose red to symbolize auspiciousness. 
So this how and since when a wedding dress was existed.

Bonjour :)

Hello there :) 
My name is Zeti Amira bt Abul Rani.
People just call me Zeti.
I'm 22 years old
Studying Mass Communication 
I'm from Perak
Why I named my blog "A Dress A Story"?
Because I love dresses as much as I love myself and i just want to talk about dress
In this world, everything that I do,I just follow my heart but I take my brain with me..