Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year!

HEY!HEY!Seems today is new year, harini xmau cakap pasal dress. harini nak cite pasal my new celebration. Can ah? of course la can because its my blog! :D yesterday tak tahu nak celebrate kat mana sebab kat Shah Alam ni apalah yang adakan. So me n my bf decided to go to The Curve at first tapi jammed lah plak jalan nk ke Damansara tu ha. and otw to the curve to nampak dari jauh Paradigm Mall. Dah alang-alang ada kat situ pegi Paradigm Mall je lah sbb tak pernah pegi. Paradigm Mall was okay lah but a bit boring sbb tempat baru and tak ramai orang. We ate subway and then walked around. banyaknya baju cantik-cantik sale!tapi xde duit nak shopping :( so cuci mata jela. Dah habis satu Paradigm Mall tu kami jelajah last2 dah penat and sakit pinggang duk berjalan non-stop. then we decided to keluar from that building. Dah masuk dalam kereta tu pikir nak pegi mana sebab jam baru pukul8 and the night is still young. Hurmm balik Shah Alam lah nampaknya. Dah sampai Shah Alam pun stuck jugak xtau pegi mana. we called Ajuan our friend and asked him where is he. Rupanya dia ada skate competition kat Extreme Park. Then we go lah there and we met Ajuan and his gf Ida. so we just celebrated it there je sebab dah xtahu nak pegi mana. Best lah jugak tengok orang main skate. dalam pkul 12.30 am camtu ktorg pun balik sbb dah penat. so camtu jelah we celebrated our new year. no need lah nk celebrate kat club bagai kan sampai mabuk-mabuk semua. :) *wink


Have you heard about peplum?tahu tak peplum tu apa??haaaa this is PEPLUM :)
Cantik kan? TOLD YEA!i love it so much like seriously. the design itself is so cantik and sangat classy. Actually peplum is not a new design pun. Dah lama dah wujudnya design jenis peplum ni. It just that baru nak popular balik sejak akhir-akhir ni.
some designer yang kreatif plak try to buat design peplum like ala-ala baju kurung. kain panjang sampai bawah buku lali and baju peplum lengan panjang. Peplum ni jugak dah jadi design untuk wedding dress jugak. habis cerita peplum ni memang cantiklah!hehe

Friday 14 December 2012

The Most Ridiculous Wedding Dress

I found this picture when i was searching for bahan to be put in my blog. And i found this weirdest wedding dress ever. but i couldn't find any subscription about this dress but i trust ni baju wedding dulu-dulu kot sbb based on the colour of the picture itself and of course the design. but like seriously people want to wear this wedding dress?such a weird. doesnt show any happiness of the wedding pun through this dress. its kind of look like firaun pun ada. manusia kadang-kadang pelik..