Tuesday 20 November 2012

Malay Wedding Dress

hello! harini saya nak cerita pasal Malay wedding dress pulak.jangan ingat english wedding je ada dress, melayu sekarang pun dah makin moden dan fesyen-fesyen english mula diterapkan dalam pakaian pengantin melayu. contohnya gambar-gambar kat bawah ni ha..
cantikkan?its not that kita lupakan culture asal kita untuk pakai songket dan sebagainya tapi designer sekarang try to improvise apa yang dah sedia ada supaya tak bosan dan sentiasa ada perubahan. Malay wedding dress still mengekalkan nilai-nilai kesopanan yang diamalkan oleh melayu. so dari sini saya tak nampak ada masalah pun jika kita improvisekan wedding dress tersebut.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Creepy Royal Wedding Dress

Queen Elizabeth and the Duchess of Cambridge went to the Royal Wedding Exhibit at Buckingham Palace, which opened to the public. The Queen was overheard expressing to Catherine that the way they had presented the wedding gown and veil was "horrid" and "creepy." Like the picture shown above. Its pretty and classy but there's something behind it.
There's a telegraph reports: The monarch led the way and, with her hands clasped behind her back, strode into the Ballroom and stopped about 10 feet from the dress with Kate standing beside her. As the pair chatted, the pitch of the Queen's voice raised and she said "horrible" and then "horrid". It appeared the mannequin's lack of a head may have perturbed the Queen, who added: "It's made to look very creepy." from the telegraph reported, they had not noticed it until they read this, but Her Majesty is absolutely correct. The room is quite dark. In the center, the wedding gown is worn by a headless mannequin. The veil and the Cartier Halo tiara is suspended in air above the gown, making it look like a headless ghost is haunting the palace. I think this is so scary and creepy. Just look at the picture with the environment of the room which is quite dark and very classy. it makes the gown looks more creepy. After the Queen's comments, Catherine was heard replying that perhaps it was meant to show a "3-D effect." But she didn't look terribly thrilled with the display either. They need to put the gown on a mannequin with a head, and raise the lights. It's supposed to be a display recalling a joyous event not an eerie, ghost like monument. Whatever it is my perception towards the wedding gown is it is very-very beautiful with the shape, the veil. Everything is so pretty. It just that they way it display is quite creepy with the lights and the wedding gown just stand there alone headless. I could not imagine what will happen at night if i were there in front of the wedding gown and watching it alone. LOL.